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Become a digitally informed, empowered leader and know how to prepare and help your business respond more effectively to technology-driven change.

Next available cohort start date
North West Region - 15th March 2022

This blended programme will help you explore the value of Industrial Digital Technologies for your business. With a mixture of face to face and online delivery, you will complete a series of workshops, action learning sessions and site visits to see businesses that have successfully adopted digital technologies and learn from business leaders' lived experiences. You will be part of a peer network group where you can share your
challenges and achievements within a facilitated action learning forum. You’ll also learn how to create ‘Sprint projects’ helping you to test ideas out in your workplace.

Register your interest & enquire now*

*Please note: The full Leadership programme registration form can be found inside your account once you've registered with Made Smarter.

Join the digital leadership programme
Learn how our programme goes beyond business benefits

The fantastic thing about the Leadership Programme was that it forged an impressive bond of trust between the cohort early on, which meant I felt I could talk about the company and our challenges openly. I believe that during the crisis we stayed in touch more than I suspected we would, talking about the challenges and sharing ideas about how to navigate it.

Dan Smith, technical director of Twinfix
Handle digital transformation with ease
  • Who is the programme designed for?

    The programme is designed for operational leaders/decision makers in manufacturing SMEs.

  • What does the programme cover?

    The programme will take you through:

    • Adopting a holistic view of your enterprise and implementing hi-tech and digitally-based manufacturing techniques into production processes.
    • Performing an audit to determine the ‘digital readiness’ of your SME, measure the value of any adjustments made to processes, and ensure all stakeholders embrace the digital journey.
    • Special project sprints to specifically experiment with and learn new ideas in a safe digitalisation environment.
  • How is the programme taught?

    Over 5 months, a series of workshops will develop your leadership skills. In addition to the workshops, you will visit smart businesses to see technology in action and learn from lived experiences. You’ll also have the chance to create ‘mini sprints’ helping you to test ideas out in your workplace.

  • Why join the programme?

    You’ll gain a sustainable competitive advantage, enabling your enterprise to compete effectively in the local, national, or global marketplace. You’ll be able to:

    • Explore new technologies to improve your competitiveness.
    • Take a strategic view of your business and plan for the future.
    • Develop the skills and infrastructure to implement change.
    • Join a network of like-minded business leaders.
    • Explore our technology advice, digital tech internships, and skills offers as well as grants for adoption projects.
  • Who runs the programme?

    The Leadership Programme was developed and initially delivered by Lancaster University Management School (LUMS), but universities across the country are now delivering their own cohorts.

  • What will it cost?

    We’ve subsidised the programme fee by 50%. It will cost £2,500 per delegate. Options for phased payments are also available.

  • When is the next available start date?
Register your interest in the Leadership Programme
Your name
Your organisation name
Your email address
Your contact telephone number
The postcode of your trading address
Select the Leadership cohort you would like to join