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Ask a hundred SME manufacturing leaders what digital transformation means to them, and you’ll likely get a hundred different answers.

Digital transformation is a broad topic. There is no ‘one size fits all’ definition. For some, it’s about embracing innovation. For others, it’s about adopting technology. The truth is that it's both - with people at the heart of change.

The common view is that digital transformation is daunting. This is especially true for SMEs who, while aware of the benefits technology brings, lack the resources and skills to approach digital transformation in the right way.

After all, doing nothing is not an option. Any manufacturer not starting their digital transformation risks being left behind, or risks wasting time, effort and money.

But change is never easy. It takes time, effort and teamwork. But by taking a considered approach, SME manufacturers can deliver that change, overcoming once seemingly impossible challenges and readying themselves for opportunities on the horizon.

What is Made Smarter and how can it help?

The Made Smarter Adoption Programme exists to offer businesses access to fully funded support so they can improve their understanding of what steps they need to take, to arm them with the tools and strategy to take those steps, and accelerate them towards the multitude of benefits and growth opportunities.

Over the last five years the programme has evolved to ensure it remains relevant, practical and impactful, offering manufacturers a faster and simpler process to access what they need to accelerate their digital transformation.

The approach - forged in the North West and now being adapted in the North East, Yorkshire and the Humber, and Midlands - is having a huge impact. The statistics in terms of productivity and efficiency gains, job creation, upskilling opportunities, and growth, are staggering.

Then there are the hundreds of success stories from SME manufacturers who have been guided into the unknown by Made Smarter and are now experiencing all the positive benefits of digitalisation.

It is no surprise that the Government is committed to rolling out Made Smarter nationally. By 2027 - the 10th anniversary of the seminal Made Smarter Review - every SME manufacturer in the UK will have regional access to the support they need to accelerate their digital transformation.

But as we approach the first decade of Made Smarter, the pace of change has quickened. The conversation has already shifted from Industry 4.0 and the smart factory to an emerging phase of industrialisation where humans work alongside advanced technology and AI-powered robots to enhance workplace processes.

It means we at Made Smarter need to redouble our efforts to reach more SME manufacturers and showcase the opportunities afforded by technology.

The Made Smarter guide to digital transformation

Our new white paper - Digital Transformation: A Made Smarter Roadmap for SME Manufacturers - is aimed at SME manufacturers who are looking for a place to start.

It acts as a guide, explaining the concepts of digitisation, digitalisation, digital transformation, and continuous improvement.

It helps manufacturers better understand and navigate current and future trends and make the case for how technologies can solve problems and create growth opportunities.

It explains the Made Smarter process of supporting digital transformation, the services we offer and showcases some of the hundreds of businesses who have benefited from our intervention here in the North West, the North East, Yorkshire and Humber, and the Midlands.

Finally, our free to download white paper spotlights some of the partner organisations who are also working with Made Smarter towards the common goal: that technology has the power to help everyone build a more sustainable and resilient future.

To find out more about how Made Smarter can power your digital transformation journey download our new whitepaper today. 

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