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For many micro manufacturers in the East Midlands, adopting advanced technologies can seem overwhelming - especially when juggling limited staff, tight budgets, and the daily pressures of running a business. 

But what if cutting-edge digital tools could help you overcome persistent challenges, boost productivity, and position your business for future growth? With Made Smarter East Midlands offering up to £20,000 in matched grant funding, the opportunity to digitally transform your business is not just within reach - it’s affordable and achievable.

What we offer

Made Smarter East Midlands is here to support micro manufacturing businesses (those with 9 or fewer staff) on their journey towards digital transformation. Our programme provides tailored advice, leadership development, grant funding, and access to industrial digital technology expertise, all aimed at helping you embrace advanced and automated technologies before the programme concludes with its current offer on 31st March 2025.

Here’s what you can expect from our programme


Digital Road Mapping.

We offer a lighter touch road map designed specifically for micro businesses. This road map outlines a Digital Implementation Plan, helping you understand where and how digital tools can be integrated into your operations for maximum impact.

Industrial Digital Technology Advice (IDTA).

You’ll receive 10 hours of fully funded advice from digital experts who specialise in the latest industrial technologies. This support will guide you through the options available and help you identify the most beneficial technologies for your business.

Grant Funding.

We provide up to 50% match funding (with a maximum of £20,000 per company) to support both CAPEX and revenue projects. This funding can be used to purchase equipment or obtain specialist advice, ensuring you have the resources you need to successfully implement new technologies.

Why embrace digital transformation?


As a leader of a micro-manufacturing business, you might wonder whether the investment in digital tools is worth it. The answer is a resounding yes. Here’s why:

Solving Persistent Issues. If you find yourself constantly dealing with machine downtime, struggling to meet customer demand, or facing delays due to manual processes, digital technologies can provide the solutions you need. For example, integrating IoT sensors can help you monitor machine health in real-time, reducing unplanned downtime and keeping your production line running smoothly.

Boosting Efficiency and Reducing Waste. By adopting advanced manufacturing technologies like AI-driven analytics or 3D printing, you can streamline your operations, reduce material waste, and increase overall efficiency. This not only cuts costs but also improves your bottom line.

Improving Quality and Competitiveness. Technology allows for greater precision and consistency in manufacturing processes, leading to higher quality products. As a result, you can meet customer demands more effectively, explore new market opportunities, and stay ahead of your competitors.

Enhancing Safety and Upskilling Your Workforce. Technologies like AR and VR can be used for training purposes, helping your team learn new skills in a safe and controlled environment. This not only enhances their capabilities but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement within your business.

Increasing Resilience and Innovation. By integrating data and systems, your business becomes more agile and responsive to market changes. Real-time analytics enable better decision-making, helping you adapt quickly and seize new opportunities as they arise.

Real-world applications

Imagine you’re a micro manufacturer specialising in custom metalwork. You often struggle with meeting tight deadlines due to machine breakdowns and inefficient manual processes. By implementing IoT sensors and predictive maintenance software, you could drastically reduce downtime, ensuring your machines are always ready to go when you need them. This leads to faster turnaround times, happier customers, and more repeat business.

Or consider a small-scale artisan furniture maker who wants to expand their product range. By investing in 3D printing technology, you can prototype new designs quickly and cost-effectively, allowing you to test new ideas without the risk of high upfront costs. This accelerates your product development cycle and gives you a competitive edge in the market.

Ready to take the next step?

Made Smarter East Midlands is here to help you navigate the digital transformation journey, making it accessible and achievable for micro manufacturers like you. With our support, you can overcome the challenges of implementing new technologies and unlock the full potential of your business.

Don’t let the fear of the unknown hold you back. Embrace the future of manufacturing, and watch your business grow in ways you never thought possible.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can support your digital transformation. Your journey towards a smarter, more efficient, and more competitive business starts here

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