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Leading digital transformation: Leadership made smarter

8 out of 10 Manufacturers believe that effective leaders are critical to adopting new technologies.

The digital leaders that manufacturing needs are able to manage change by understanding where the business needs to go, how it will get there, and what potential resistance it could experience.

To support more SME manufacturers, we’ve put together a white paper to highlight how they can implement strong, flexible leadership to realise the bounty of benefits such as improved decision-making, increased productivity, better employee engagement, and a competitive advantage.

Download the Whitepaper

Unlocking the leadership and skills for a digital and green future

2.5M people currently work in manufacturing, but vacancies are high, the labour pool is shrinking, and manufacturers are struggling to find recruits with the right skills for now - a critical situation worsened by the impact of the pandemic and supply chain challenges. Add to that the rapidly changing nature of jobs because of digitalisation and decarbonisation.

The danger we must wake up to is that the acceleration is leaving the workforce behind and creating a melting pot of problems for manufacturers. This goes especially for SMEs, who face a familiar struggle of lack of time or resources to focus on developing the leadership and skills to manage change for themselves and their team.



These are not new challenges. Access to the right skills has been a thorn in the side for manufacturers for decades which is why it became an imperative for the Made Smarter movement.

For the last four years we have been training the next generation of resilient leaders capable of dealing with change and leading others. We have been helping them create robust digital strategies which empower them to adopt technology and embed digital skills across their workforce.

To support SME manufacturers further, we’ve put together a white paper to highlight how you can implement strong, agile leadership to boost productivity, efficiency, employee satisfaction, and ultimately grow revenue, all while achieving net zero goals.
